Shhh – I Am Speaking

native uk female speaker

465 MB Content / 788 Vocal Samples in total
215 Group Phrases
310 Single Phrases
257 Words
006 Complex FX Vocals

24-bit WAV Stereo

29.95 € (incl. VAT)
Also available in the SOR SHHH…I AM SPEAKING BUNDLE

A calming magical voice, gently haunting words or velvety whispered phrases – doesn’t this sound like the cherry on top of a great musical masterpiece?
Search no more – Sounds of Revolution (SOR) succeeded in hunting for just these ingredients in his latest sample pack Shhh – I Am Speaking!

Let a highly professional native UK speaker serve you 788 vocal samples: single words, phrases or even variable sentences / group phrases, in just as many flavours as needed to fit into your track. Find all vocals perfectly clean with a nice stereo image (100% mono compatible) and with no effects added, each word/phrase spoken in up to 4 different variations and leaving all creativity to the producer: why not create something completely new’n’fancy, such as lunatic dialogues, big crowds or whispering voices coming from everywhere? Also, if there’s nothing you like more than timestretching, pitching or effect-mangling vocals – be our guest! No matter whether we’re talking Chillout, EDM, Trance or something completely different – it’s never been easier to make the dancefloor shine, shiver, dance or cry. Come and see!

Please note: This is a vocals pack only. The demo contains sounds not included in this pack that are for demonstration purposes only.


SOR Shhh - I Am Speaking Vol.1 | Samples


Reviews by Artists & Press

RW Keys 102Keys Magazine
1. Exzellente und saubere Aufnahmequalität […] Ausdrucksstarke, einprägsame Stimme mit angenehmer britischer Artikulation […] Phrasen in unterschiedlichen Ausdrucksformen […} zeichnet sich durch eine exzellente, saubere Audioqualität aus, wie man sie bei Gesangs- und Sprachsamples selten antrifft. Den absolut trochenen Samples fehlt es weder an Wärme, noch an Transparenz. Es ist geradezu erfrischend, dass hier ein Hersteller ganz auf die Effektmaschinerie vom Echo bis zum Pitchshifter verzichtet und damit dem Nutzer jeden erdenklichen Freiraum für die Nachbearbeitung läßt. Ob Granular Effekte für sphärische Stimmen-Cluster oder Lautsprechersimulationen für Lo-Fi Radiosound – die Phrasen laden zu den unterschiedlichsten Klangexperimenten ein. Rating: 3/3

Soundbytes Magazine:
Vocal sample libraries are a good tool if you can’t find a vocalist that can deliver the exact performance you’re looking for or someone you can’t hire for cheap or simply needed some vocal samples to inject into your dance productions. The idea of such libraries is to give producers something they can grab on the fly, as well as samples they can tweak to fit into their mixes. That is why there is Shhh – I am Speaking Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 from Sounds-of-Revolution. These libraries will help ease the process of adding vocal elements into your productions. If phrases, single word spoken, variable sentences and FX vocals are something you fancy, both libraries are equipped to deliver such samples.

Shhh – I Am Speaking Vol. 1 contains 465 MB of content, 788 vocal samples in total with 215 group phrases, 310 single phrases, 257 words and 6 complex FX vocals. Picking up where Vol. 1 left off, Shhh – I Am Speaking Vol. 2 includes 458 samples in content, 807 EDM vocals in total with 189 group phrases, 356 single phrases, 258 words and eight complex FX vocals. Both libraries were performed by a professional native UK speaker with so much liveliness in the voice. What’s nice about these libraries is that both are clean-sounding with a nice stereo image (but are 100% mono compatible). All the samples are recorded dry, so you can tweak, time stretch, pitch-shift or effect-mangling them to your heart’s content. These 24-bit WAV libraries are well suited for dance, breaks, dubstep, house and other electronica sub-genre. My favorites of this bunch are the single phrases because they are “complete” and you can just drop them in an assigned audio track in your DAW. I wish there were more vocal FX samples to round out this library. Overall, this is another S-o-R offering that is worthy to be considered if you’re in the hunt of some vocal samples.

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