Since I’m often asked how I create my Sample Packs and which VST plugins or hardware I use, I’ve broken it all down in detail on my blog. You’ll also find production tips for instant results. The techniques I cover are universal—so it doesn’t matter which DAW you’re using. In the end, let your ears be the judge, and don’t be afraid to break the rules. Sometimes, throwing the production rulebook out the window is exactly what you need—especially in Techno. Experimentation leads to happy accidents, so always push the boundaries. The payoff is worth it.

With AI technology evolving at lightning speed, I believe it’s only a matter of time before plugins completely surpass hardware. The quality of digital processing is skyrocketing. That said, the “human touch” will always be essential—because no machine can truly replicate the emotional impact of music.

Remember: “If it sounds good, it is good.” – Duke Ellington.

My latest blog post is always pinned to the top, and I update it regularly.

Oh, and did I mention how much I love great-sounding plugins?! 🙂

Have fun & cheers,
Oliver Schmitt aka Sounds of Revolution (SOR)

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